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Welcome to Fremont Park Golf Club
Fremont, California

Fremont Park Golf Course has a challenging layout that will bring satisfaction to any type of player. This course is a great place for beginners and advance players to enjoy themselves.
Fremont Park is passionate about providing quality golf to the public on a large scale. A friendly and professional staff ensures you a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Full facilities include a progressive pro shop with club and power cart rentals, practice area, Grass Tees, Private Shortgame Area, and a Snack Bar.
Fremont Park’s P.G.A. Professional Staff members offer both Private and Group golf instructional programs that fulfill the needs of all individuals, from the very beginner to the more advanced player.
Fremont Park Golf Course now offers 20 brand new Power Tee bays. Lower your score and perfect your swing faster than ever before. Click here to learn what Power Tee can do for your game.

Please note: Fremont Park Golf Club does not affiliate themselves with Golf now. Any problems with booking and cancellations when using Golf now to reserve tee times needs to be worked out with Golf now. Thank you.